
Saturday, May 20, 2023

Durham Machine Gun Company to Compete in Burlington, May 20, 1923

Local Company to be Represented in Athletic Meet to be Held in Burlington

Approximately 40 members of the Durham Machine Gun Company will take part in the athletic contests to be held among the military companies in the state in Burlington on Wednesday, May 30th, according to Capt. Luther H. Barbour, commanding officer of the company. The men have been holding competitive contests during the past several weeks for the selection of the best men for the various events. The local company will be represented at the meet by picked men and they are hopeful of bringing bacon home.

Two of the army instructors stationed in North Carolina appeared before the company at drill last Friday evening and delivered two talks. One of them talked on the care of the feet, while the other talked on military courtesy.

From the local front of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, May 20, 1923

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