
Sunday, May 28, 2023

Help Send Rev. S.B. Brown to Baptist World Alliance Meeting, May 28, 1923

Loyal Friends Come to the Rescue of Rev. S.B. Brown

We, the members and officers of the First Baptist church (Col.) are planning to send our pastor, Rev. S.B. Brown, to the Baptist World Alliance at Stockholm July 21st to 27th. We are calling upon our white and colored friends to help us to send him to bring us a message from that meeting.

People in Europe say that they are glad to know that the negro Baptists of America are coming to Europe to be represented at the meeting. Several of their well-known representatives will have places on the program. And our pastor is one of them. This is why we the members and friends want to send our pastor. Our pastor received his credentials from the Northern Baptist Convention on May 14, 1923, from the corresponding secretary, Rev. W.C. Bitting, 5109 Waterman Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A., and he has sent in for his passport and it is paid for, you see he is ready, all but the fare. This is why we are asking our white and colored friends to please help us. We need not to tell you what good he has done for the colored people here in Reidsville. For you, the white people, know we can not tell you about it, we write this through the paper so that you may know that we ask your cooperation with us in sending our pastor because we know it will be great for our town and people. Please help us.

Done by order of the First Baptist Church (Colored)

R.B. Adams, S.D. Penn, James Gillium, W.V. Corbett, Peter Cardwell, James Neal, deacons; Wm. R. Ellington, John Garland, Nat Lampkins, J.H. Whitsett, Wm. Rennix, trustees; Lillian B. King, clerk.

From page 7 of the Reidsville Review, Monday, May 28, 1923

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