
Friday, May 26, 2023

John Saliba's Idea for Pecan Avenue Is Excellent, May 25, 1923

A Pecan Avenue

Mr. John Saliba has been turning over in his philosophical mind an idea that should be worth more to Elizabeth City than a cotton mill or a university. Dr. Saliba’s idea is so simple that its materialization should be easily possible. His idea is that we plant 3,000 pecan trees at proper intervals on both sides of the thirteen and odd tenths miles of brick road between Elizabeth City and South Mills. These trees, planted at a cost of only a few thousand dollars would in a few years provide shade for tourists in summer and food and frolic for thousands thru the autumn and winter. Coupled with the fact that Elizabeth City is recognized by experts as offering the ideal combination of soil and climatic conditions of pecan culture, what greater monument to the good sense of a people, and what greater advertisement for the attraction of tourists could be offered than 13 miles of pecans for picking. Let’s get behind Dr. Saliba’s idea and make Pecan Avenue one of the biggest and most beautiful facts in Eastern North Carolina.

From page 4, the editorial page, of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., May 25, 1923, William Saunders editor

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