
Wednesday, May 17, 2023

KKK Promises 30-Foot Fiery Cross at its Spectacle Friday, May 18, 1923

Ku Klux Klan to Stage Spectacle. . . Oath of Klan be Administered Friday Nigh at Lakewood Park

Durham people will be given their first and probably their last opportunity of seeing the administering of the oath of the Ku Klux Klan Friday evening at a spectacle to be staged at Lakewood Park Friday evening at 9 o’clock. Advertisements appearing in the local papers have announced the event and an anonymous telephone call to the Herald also announced it. Preparations are being made by Durham Klan No. 4 for the impressive service. This will be the first time in the history of Durham that such an event has transpired in it. The oath of affiliation and loyalty to the klan will be administered, it was stated, in a solemn, impressive manner with a fiery cross 30 feet high being the only source of light. The Durham klan will be present in full force, arrayed in their robes of white, and it is thought that members from neighboring klans and some of the high officials will be present.

The public in general will be invited to attend and it is expected that a large crowd of people will be present to see the oath administered.

Page 8 of the Durham Morning Herald, May 17, 1923

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