
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Local Reidsville News, May 30, 1923

Local News

The weather has warmed up some this week, much to the help of growing crops. About two-thirds of the tobacco crop has been planted and the farmers are waiting for rain to complete the plantings.

Brother Brown asks that everybody go to church tonight and Sunday.

Osborne Gregory, 13-year-old son of E.H. Gregory of Danville, was accidentally shot in the side yesterday afternoon at Park Springs by his young playmate, son of Judge C. Womack of Park Springts. After the shooting the lad was rushed to a Danville hospital where it was stated today that his condition is serious. The bullet from a .22-calibre rifle entered his right side.

Thieves entered the Liberty Tailors’ store on West Market street last night by smashing one of the show windows. Three suits of clothes and about a dozen pairs of pants were carried off. There are no clues to the guilty parties so far. This is the third or fourth time this store has been broken into during the last year or more. Manager King is undecided whether the burglars have a grouch against him or whether his suitings have a special attraction for the knights of the jimmy.

The North Carolina state highway commission has opened another five mile stretch of the concrete road which is being built between Reidsville and Stokesland making available a 15 mile pleasant drive on a wide even hard-surface road. The contractors who are also working from the Reidsville end hope to have the last stretch of concrete poured and thrown open so that Reidsville and Danville will be joined by a hard road by July 4th.

A movement is on foot among the garages and service stations in Reidsville to have only one station open on Sundays for sale of gasoline and oils. Motorists will be urged to supply their wants as far as possible during week days.

All members of Calvary local of the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association are requested to meet at Calvary school house Friday night, June 1st, at 7:30 p.m. and bring all your P.C.’s or Co-op warehouse bills with you. –P.E. Wilson, president.

Father! Mother! Do you care what your child does with his time this vacation? What he reads or what his mind feasts on? They go in crowds to the library, but more books are needed and to get them it takes money. Will you help by coming to the recital Friday night? The pleasure will be yours, for a program of unusual merit awaits you.

The law requiring all motorists to come to a dead stop before crossing railroad tracks goes into effect July 1. But why wait a month to begin the practice? The awful accident here yesterday afternoon would not have occurred had this rule been followed.

The Ann Andrews Council (Business Women’s Club) will have a hike and picnic supper Thursday evening, May 31. All women and girls of the business and professional world are requested to be at the M.E. church at 5:30 o’clock promptly. Those who can not be there at that time will please come as early as possible and cars will be there to take them out to supper. Everybody be there to enjoy the good tme and lots of good eats.

Miss Laura Powell has moved her insurance office from the First National Bank building to the new C.A. Whitsett building where she has leased two large rooms for her growing business. Miss Powell represents some of the largest insurance companies of the country and by close attention to details of the business has built up quite a successful insurance agency here. The steady growth of her business has necessitated securing more office room.

There is to be a meeting in the rooms of the Reidsville C. & A. Association at 4 p.m. of the Rockingham County Playground Association to plan for the playground activities for this year. Invitations have been sent out to all representative members of various local organizations to attend and it is hoped their willb be a large attendance. Secretary Turner of the C. & A. especially requests that their be an enthusiastic attendance that the plans may be promulgated at once, as the playground is to open on June 9.

Former State Senator W.R. Walker and family, who left Spray last week to take up their residence in Greensboro after so many years of intimate and active life in this community, will certainly be missed in in Rockingham county by a large body of lifelong friends. Fore many years they have taken an active and helpful part in religious work, especially in the Presbyterian church and patriotic work. In fact there were few good causes in this community that did not have their cordial support for these many years. –Gazette.

One of the carts used by the Atlantic Bithuithic Company was backed into by a local freight at the second crossing north of the depot Tuesday at noon and the rear end of the cart smashed and the load of asphalt dumped out. The driver escaped injuries. This is the same crossing the Pillows’ car was wrecked by train 35 later in the day.

Twenty-eight of the 31 members of the Reidsville Rotary Club were the guests of the Danville Club at an inter-city luncheon and gathering at the Golf Club last night. Leaksville-Spray also was present with all but three of its members. Eugene Withers, Esq., delivered a magnificent address of welcome to the “Down Homers” and a number of those present were called on and made short talks. The dinner—a six-course appetizer—was prepared and faultlessly served by the Danville Rotary Anns. The Reidsville Rotarians declare they were royally entertained and are loud in their praises accorded them by their Virginian brethren. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Durham of Route 5 on May 27, a daughter.

Rev. and Mrs. W.E. Goode have recently moved into the handsome new Baptist parsonage on Piedmont street.

The Woman’s Missionary Society of Bethlehem church will meet with Mrs. J.I. Anderson Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. G.T. Roberts of Danville visited relatives here Sunday.

Miss Ola Roberts of Wentworth spent the week-end here with her people.

Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Sprinkle have returned from Winston-Salem where they attended the commencement exercises of Salem College from which their daughter, Miss Juanita Sprinkle, graduated.

Geo. W. Estes, former county road superintendent, has opened a new store on the Reidsville-Draper road near Glenn’s bridge, and will be glad to have his friends call to see him at his new store.

Schoolfield vs. Reidsville Saturday.

From page 5 of the Reidsville Review, May 30, 1923

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