
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

McFarlan Farmers Find Raising Hogs, Shipping Cream Profitable, May 31, 1923

Hogs Making Splendid Gains

A lot of 32 hogs which are being fed on the farm of U.B. & M.E. Blalock, McFarlan, N.C., were weighed on April 3rd. The 32 pigs at that time weighed a total of 1,362 pounds. On May 17th the 32 hogs were weighed again. They weighed a total of 3,371 pounds, making a gain of 2,009 pounds, an average gain per day of a little less than 1 ½ pounds. They consumed during this period 80 3/5 bushels of corn, 230 pounds of mill feed, 190 pounds fish meal and grazed on an alfalfa field. The average cost of grain per pound was less than five cents. A self feeder was used in feeding. Farmers Like to Ship Cream

Mr. E.A. Spencer and Mr. B.C. Moore of McFarlan have been shipping cream for several months. Mr. Spencer’s cream check averages about $100 per month. He is milking seven cows. Mr. Moore states that his cream check is from $40 to $50 per month, and he is milking four cows. These gentlemen said they have bought only a sack or two of feed for the cows during the last few months. They have been feeding velvet beans and pea vines along with other rough feeds, and a small amount of cotton seed meal per day, which they exchanged their cotton seed for.

At the present time there are between 15 and 20 farmers in the county who are selling either cream or whole milk. Farmers interested in this line of work should arrange now to produce a sufficient amount of legume and other hays for feed.

From the front page of the Messenger and Intelligencer and Ansonian, Wadesboro, N.C., May 31, 1923

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