
Monday, May 29, 2023

Prof. Allen Supterintendent of Public Instruction; Dr. Brooks President of State College, May 29, 1923

Prof. Allen, Brother-in-Law of Mr. Jas. H. Lee, to be Supt. of Public Instruction; Dr. Brooks to be President of State College

Some rapid changes in officialdom have taken place the last day or two. Following the appointment by Gov. Morrison of Mr. Heriott Clarkson of Charlotte to a place of State Supreme Court bench to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Walker, Dr. W.C. Riddick yesterday offered his resignation as president of the State College of Agriculture and Engineering, and the request that he be made dean fo the department of engineering. A dispatch from Raleigh this morning says that the trustee and Governor Morrison have agreed that Dr. E.C. Brooks, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, will at once be elected president of the college, and will accept. Mr. Morrison will then immediately appoint Mr. A.T. Allen, who has been an assistant to Dr. Brooks, as State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

This announcement is of peculiar interest to Monroe people. Dr. Brooks, who was appointed Superintendent by Governor Bickett to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Joyner, began his educational carrer as superintendent of the Monroe City School. He rose steadily in his profession and has become regarded as the strongest man in public work that the State has had in many years.

Mr. Allen is an Iredell county man and is a brother-in-law of Mr. James H. Lee of Monroe. He went from the superintendency of the Salisbury schools to the head of the department of teacher training under Dr. Brooks, and is regarded as another of the strong men of the State in public educational work.

From the front page of the Monroe Journal, May 29, 1923

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