
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Should Walnut Cove Have Dam to Furnish Light, Power and Sewerage? May 2, 1923

Hot Election Coming Monday. . . Walnut Cove Municipal Election Contest Promises to be Liveliest in History of Town—Issue “Dam or No Dam”

The annual election of mayor and town commissioners for Walnut Cove next Monday promises to be the warmest ever held in the town. The issue is clean cut—“Dam or no Dam.” The old board has issued bonds in the amount of $100,000 with which to furnish light, power and sewerage for the town by tapping Dan river for a hydro-electric plant. The bonds were sold last Monday at a premium of $2,750. There was strong opposition to the project, and the coming election will mean an endorsement or repudiation of the proposition.

There are no less than five candidates for Mayor, as follows: G.L. Jarvis, M.T. Chilton, S.C. Rierson, Carl Joyce and H.M. Sanders. For commissioners the following citizens are being pushed by their friends: Paul Davis, W.G. Dodson, W.L. Nelson, J.L. Mitchell, Dr. J.W. Neal, Joe Welch, B.F. Johnson, M.D. Linville, W.P. Wheeler, Dr. A.G. Jones. Politics are eliminated. It is simple “Dam or no Dam.”

Walnut Cove’s contest will be watched with intense interest not only by Stokes county but by the State.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, May 2, 1923

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