
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Student Government Officers Installed for 1923-24, May 18, 1923

Installation Services of New S.G. Officers. . . Formality of Epoch Marking Services Brings Realization of 1924 Duties

On Wednesday evening at 6:45 the student body had its last regular meeting for 1922-’23.

After the announcements were made and the business of the Association taken up, the president called on Martha Powell to make a report from the Student Government Council recently held at Richmond. From this report it was seen that all other colleges have their own problems, just as we do.ost of them have the same ones that we have, and some of them have more. Louise Mayes, our present president, who was with Martha at the conference, added that they enjoyed themselves very much along the social line but were glad to get back to Meredith.

The president called for the new officers to come forward to be installed into office. First the new president, Martha Powell, pledged her loyalty and support to the Association. Following her the other officers also pledged their loyalty and support.

The old officers expressed to the new ones their kind wishes for much success in any future undertakings.

The whole student body arose, and each girl pledged herself to be a loyal and true member. The meeting was then turned over to the president. After a few words of appreciation for the honor given her, she congratulated the president preceding her for the things accomplished.

The meeting was then adjourned.

After the adjournment 15 rahs were given for “Louie” and 15 for “Whit.”

The officers installed for 1923-’24 were:

President: Whit Powell.

Vice-president—Lillian Rouse.

Secretary—Bernice Hamrick.

Treasurer—Virgie Harville.

House Presidents—Ida Lowe, Alice Klutz, Minnie Murchison, and Ola Gibbs.

Sub-presidents—Gladys Brown, Ethel Hollowell, and Minnie Herrin.

From page 3 of The Twig, Meredith College newspaper, May 18, 1923

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