
Friday, May 5, 2023

The Salemite, Winston-Salem, N.C., May 5, 1923

Advertisements from page 2

Harrison’s Smart Style Shop on Trade Street. New Frocks for graduation, party, afternoon wear.

Brotan’s of New York on N. Liberty Street, specializing in college clothes for college closing, graduation, class day, homecoming and vacation

O’Hanlon’s Drug Store, the Rexall Store

Wear Hine’s Shoes

Eisenberg’s, the Ladies’ Shop, 15 per cent reduction to all Salem College students and teachers

Kodaks—supplies, developing and printing, enlarging at the S. Galeski Optical Company on N. Main Street

Montaldo’s on West Fourth Street at Cherry, a new shop featuring gowns, suits, wraps, millinery and accessories

From the editorial page of The Salemite, Winston-Salem, Saturday, May 5, 1923

Advertisements on page 3 of The Salemite, May 5, 1923

The Gift Shop for fine jewelry and watch repairing on North Liberty Street

New Spring Dresses, suits, capes and hats at The Ideal

Walk Over Shoes

Graduation dresses, footwear, hosiery at Rosenbacher & Bro.

Milwards Lady Jane Frocks for madam and miss, $25, West Fourth Street

Advertisers on page 4 of The Salemite, May 5, 1923

Cards, party favors, gifts for all occasions at Clinard’s Art and Gift Shop on West Fourth Street

D.G. Craven Co., corner of Fourth and Elm Streets, In the spring a maiden’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of clothes and Craven’s

Welfare’s, the college girls’ drug store with ice cream soda, sandwiches, candy and everything good to eat, Sam E. Welfare

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