
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Two Distilleries Seized, May 2, 1923

Two Distilleries Are Seized. . . One in North View Section and Another Near Dalton—Some Beer Destroyed in Section North of Danbury

Federal prohibition officers last Friday captured an 85-gallon still and 2 gallons of whiskey near North View church, six miles east of Danbury. The owners were operating the still when the officers arrived and were given a lively chase but made their escape.

The same officers destroyed a lot of beer at a still site three miles north of Danbury on the same day.

Sheriff J.F. Dunlap and Postmaster W.G. Petree last Thursday afternoon captured a 45-gallon still and destroyed a quantity of beer in the Dalton section.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, May 2, 1923

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