
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Wadesboro High School Graduating 19 Students, May 31, 1923

Commencement Next Week. . . 15 Girls and 4 Boys Will Receive Diplomas—Rondthaler Will Deliver Commencement Address

As announced last week, the commencement of the Wadesboro High School will take place next week, beginning Sunday night with the commencement sermon by Dr. W.H. Fraser of Charlotte. Monday night the senior class exercises will take place, and on Wednesday night the commencement address will be delivered by Dr. Howard Rondthaler, and diplomas will be presented. Friday afternoon and night Miss Ashcraft’s music class will give recitals.

There are 19 members of the graduating class, 15 girls and 4 boys. They are:

Leona Leitch Edwards

Nancy Birdsong Burns

Lucy Flake Sullivan

Leslie John Huntley Jr.

Hugh McChesney Gray

Mary Lilly Huntley

Mary Alice Caudle

Annie Juanita Clark

Sara Gertrude Tarlton

Lena Covington

Henry Wall Little Jr.

Margaret Ashe Redfearn

Loma Evelyn Gamble

Bright Maness Sedberry

Mary Farrelly Parker

Annie Claire Knotts

Ila Rebecca Short

Myrtle Shepherd

Sara Katherine Huntley.


The marshals, chosen on account of scholarship, are:

Wm. Marshall, chief; Fanny Dunlap, Thomas Coxe Jr., Dorothy Tice, Benjamin Crowder, Kathryn Via, Castelloe Bland, Mary Little, Inez Moore, James Dunlap, Georgia Gamble, Malcolm McLean.


The Senior play, “The Melting Pot,” will be given next Monday night, June 4, at the new auditorium. The price of admission will be 50 and 25 cents. The stage properties will be used, and the play promises to be unusually successful.

The cast of characters is:

David Quixano—Wm. Marshall Jr.

Mendel Quixano—Leslie Huntley Jr.

Baron Revendal—Geo. Stanback Jr.

Quincy Davenport Jr.—Tom Coxe Jr.

Herr Poppelmeister—Hugh Gray

Vere Revendal—Gertrude Tarlton

Baroness Revendall—Juanita Clark

Frau Quixano—Farrelly Parker

Kathleen O’Reilly—Sallie Huntley

From the front page of the Messenger and Intelligencer and Ansonian, Wadesboro, N.C., May 31, 1923

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