
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Bridge Over Yadkin River and Other Road Work Settled, June 20, 1923

Special Meeting of Highway Board. . . Controversy Over Bridge in Yadkin Township Is Settled—Other Business Transacted by the Commissioners

A special meeting of the Stokes County Highway Commission was held at the court house here Monday, all members of the Board being present. The principal object of Monday’s meeting was to adjust a controversy in regard to the building of a bridge near Sol Edwards’ place on Little Yadkin River in Yadkin township, this county.

The facts as given this paper and as revealed at the hearing before the Board Monday are virtually as follows:

A bridge was recently ordered built at the site named above and the survey for the bridge was made by County Engineer N.S. Mullican, the contract for the erection of the bridge being awarded by the Highway Commission to R.R. King. After the erection of the bridge had been started it was thought by Mr. King and others that the bridge was going to be placed too high above the water and that the fills at either end would be too expensive, while engineer Mullican contended that the survey was the most economical that could be made. After considerable discussion it was decided to cut down the height of the bridge, and this was done. Engineer Mullican felt that this was a reflection of his work and asked the State Highway Commission to make a survey of the bridge site, which they did. In the meantime the County Highway Commission called in Engineer D.W. Harmon, of Forsyth County, who also made a survey. At Monday’s meeting of the Board the reports of C.S. Currier of the State Highway Commission and Mr. Harmon were turned in and each recommended a raise of four and a half feet in the bridge. The report of Mr. Harmon was adopted by the Board and the bridge was ordered raise 4 ½ feet above the present height of the piers, which are already built. It is contended by the engineers that a raise in the height of the bridge will make the bridge much less expensive as well as give better grades on both sides of the bridge.

The recent order of the board for a road from Clemmon’s Ford bridge to Buck Island bridge was rescinded, and it was ordered that the road be built from Bug Smith’s to a point one mile south of Piney Grove church.

Contract was awarded to Sam Venable for the construction of fills at each end of the new bridge at South Double Creek, the price being 33 cents per yard.

The Board decided to loan Big Creek township $10,000 for road work in that township, same to be paid back when the State refunds money borrowed from Big Creek township.

It was ordered that the road from State Highway via Asbury to (the) Virginia line at W.T. Tucker’s be built as soon as possible.

The road from Holland’s saw mill, near Meadows, to Fulcher’s Ford bridge was reported about completed.

The two short roads at Hartman’s store were both ordered built as soon as possible.

Work was ordered started at once on the road from Campbell to the State highway near Francisco.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, June 20, 1923

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