
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Holly Grove Personals, June 28, 1923

Holly Grove Personals

Mr. and Mrs. J. Ira Martin and children of Milwaukee called on Mrs. J.K. Vann Saturday evening. Mrs. Vann has been confined to her bed for several weeks, but is improving at this writing.

Mesdames J.I. Futrell, F.L. Bridgers and Misses Janie Futrell and Marguerite Liverman spent Tuesday with Mrs. W.J. Vaughan of Union. Miss Perla Mae Futrell spent the week-end with friends in Potecasi.

Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Rogers and children of Enfield, and Mr. Willie Johnson of Halifax spent Sunday with Mrs. G.B. Pope.

Misses Ethelyn Liverman and Helen Vinson were the week-end guests of Miss Willie Mae Futrell of Hebron.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Futrell and Mr. Obed Futrell attended the funeral of Mrs. Futrell’s sister in Belvidere Saturday afternoon.

Those attending the B.Y.P.U. Convention in High Point the past week were Misses Cleo Sauls, Mattie Vann, Janie Revelle, Mrs. Jas. E. Revelle, and Mr. John Parker. They reported a fine convention and were delighted, say that the State Banner made its first visit to the West Chowan Association.

Mrs. Alex Liverman and Mr. A.M. Beale spent Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B.J. Futrell in Conway.

Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Askew of Lasker spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.T. Askew.

From the front page of the Roanoke-Chowan Times, Thursday, June 28, 1923

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