
Sunday, June 25, 2023

Judge Collins Says He Was One of "Original Suckers" for Joining Ku Klux Klan, June 25, 1923

Judge Collins Admits Joining Ku Klux Klan. . . Declares He Was One of the “Original Suckers” Who Parted With $10

Greensboro, June 21—One judge, David H. Collins of Greensboro court, has admitted he was one of the “original suckers” insomuch as paying Ku Klux Klan organizers the $10 admission fee is concerned. Recently Judge Collins has been accused of being a member of the Ku Klux Klan and he promptly made denial. Today the charge was repeated that he had joined and he admitted it.

“Yes, I was a sucker—I listened to the organizer, thought there was nothing wrong with the order, and gave him my $10. Right there is where my connection with the klan ceased. The man told me to go to a local merchant and order my robe, but I never went. I have never had any connection with the order since I paid the $10, but like most men, hated to admit my suckership.”

From page 2 of The Concord Times, Monday, June 25, 1923

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