
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Margarettsville Locals, Roanoke-Chowan Times, June 28, 1923

Margarettsville Locals

Miss Johnnie Bottoms who has been visiting relatives at Phoebus and Suffolk, Va., returned to her home Saturday.

Rev. J.B. Thompson of Conway filled his regular appointment at Sharon M.E. church Sunday morning. His sermon was enjoyed by a large congregation.

Mr. C.T. Bridgers of Portsmouth spent the week end with relatives here.

The Woman’s Missionary Society of Sharon M.E. church met in the home of Mrs. H.C. Bottoms Wednesday afternoon.

Master John Wesley Leggett of Suffolk, Va., is spending some time in the home of his uncle, Mr. J.G. Bottoms.

The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union will hold its monthly meeting next Friday at the school building. An interesting program is being prepared, and every member is urged to be present.

Messrs. J.A. Pruden, J.G. Bottoms and J.G. Stancell motored over to Oxford Friday afternoon, where they attended the commencement exercises of the Masonic Orphanage.

Miss Thelma Taylor of Whitsett is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. Sidney Garriss.

Miss Dona Johnson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Stancell of Rocky Mount, has returned home.

Mr. Walter Garriss left Wednesday for Lemon Springs. He was accompanied home Sunday by his wife and son, Thomas, who have been spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

Many friends of Mrs. H.P.M. Garriss were delighted to see her out riding last Tuesday. Mrs. Garriss has for some time been confined to her rolling chair, not being able to walk. So it is with delight that report her able to be out.

We are sorry to report Mrs. Willie Coggins on the sick list this week.

Miss Irene Jordan of Roanoke Rapids, who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. |Bryant of the Sharon community, returned home Sunday.

Mr. Jack Chaplain of Portsmouth, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Annie W. Vick.

Rev. J.B. Thompson and daughter, Miss Jessie, were dinner guests in the home of Mr. J.G. Bottoms Sunday. Mrs. Ellis of Southampton, Va., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. B.M. DeBerry.

Miss Harris of Franklin, Va., is spending some time with her cousin, Miss Mildred Jordan.

Mr. Wilbur Newsome of Richmond, Va., spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. Annie W. Vick.

Quite a number from here are planning to take advantage of the Sunday School excursion Tuesday and spend the day at Ocean View.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pittman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Person and Mrs. Frances of Southampton, Va., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.M. DeBerry.

From the front page of the Roanoke-Chowan Times, Thursday, June 28, 1923

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