
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Masons Meeting Friday, June 29, 1923

Masons Prepare Good Program

An interesting “Educational Meeting” will be held Friday night by the local Masonic Lodge No. 384 in the lodge rooms.

The program starts promptly at 8 o’clock with E.L. Somers, D.D.G.M., presiding. A 10-minute talk on “Fraternalism” will be delivered by J.R. Joyce, followed by E.H. Wrenn on “4th R of Learning. An address will be delivered by John J. Phoenix of Greensboro on the subject of “The Spirit of Masonry”; W.C. Wicker, Educational Field Secretary, delivering the closing address on the subject of “Masonry and Education.”

The local lodge is growing by leaps and bounds. Officers at the present time are: John W. Clark, worshipful master; Jas. F. Womack, senior warden; R.R. Saunders, junior warden; Geo. W. Baker, treasurer; E.B. Ware, secretary; R.H. Mayberry, senior deacon; J.A. Powell, junior deacon; J.E. Delancy, senior steward; J.F. Delancy, junior steward; Rev. J.P. Burke, chaplain; S. Roman, tyler.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, Wednesday, June 27, 1923

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