
Sunday, June 18, 2023

Mrs. Addie Lewis Not Guilty of Manslaughter, June 17, 1923

Wilmington Girl Freed of Charge

Wilmington, June 16—A not guilty verdict was returned by the trial jury yesterday in the case charging Mrs. Addie Lewis of Sunset Park with manslaughter in connection with he death of W.C. Raftery several months ago, when he was struck by an automobile at Fifth and Dock streets. Only a few minutes was required for the jury to agree on the issues and free the woman.

The woman’s story, substantiated by her sister, who was a passenger in the car with her, and others who chanced to be nearby, was to the effect that she became excited in an effort to dodge a speeding car, being forced to swerve to her left. In seeking to jam on the brakes, her foot apparently found the accelerator, speeding up the car unconsciously. Raftery was picked up on the bumper and thrown against a telephone post, dying some time later.

From page 12 of The New Bernian, June 17, 1923

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