
Thursday, June 29, 2023

Mrs. Fox Entertains in Honor of Her House Guests, June 29, 1923

Mrs. Fox Entertains

Mrs. O.E. Fox entertained at a lovely reception on Wednesday afternoon complimentary to her house guests, Mesdames W.A. Adams of Fitzgerald, Ga., H.S. Hilley of Wilson and R.G. Latham of Washington.

The house was beautifully decorated with pot plants, sweet peas and gladiolas, a color scheme of lavender and pink being carried out.

Stationed at the door to receive the guests were Mrs. J.Y. Monk and Mrs. B.S. Smith, while little Mary Elizabeth Hilley and Hazel Monk received the cards.

Delicious fruit punch was served by Mesdames Harvey Turnage, Cecil Dixon, Leslie Smith and Herbert Moseley in the hall.

At the door of the receiving room Mrs. Charles Townsend greeted the guests and they were introduced by Mrs. W.R. Hoper to the receiving line, composed of the hostess and honor guests.

Mesdames Frank Davis and Annie R. Lang received at the dining room door. This room was a scene of beauty with its artistically appointed table, a basket of rare gladiolas forming the center piece while overhead a lovely pink tulip was made of the chandelier. Misses Alice McCargo, Mary Barrett and Ruthie Skinner served a delicious iced course and little Mary Allice Beaman and Peurcy Fox served mints.

In an attractive alcove gleaming with pink candles, Miss Tabitha DeVisconti sat and handed each guest as they passed a fortune and Mrs. Paul E. Jones bade them farewell.

Mrs. Chas. R. Townsend sang several selections accompanied by Miss Daisy Holmes, who rendered beautiful instrumental selections during the afternoon.

About 85 guests enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. Fox between the hours of 4:30 and 6:30.

From the front page of the Farmville Enterprise, Friday, June 29, 1923. Yes, it said the house was decorated with pot plants. . . most likely meant potted plants.

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