
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

News of Pilot Mt. and Community, June 20, 1923

News of Pilot Mt. and Community

Pilot Mt., Route 1, June 17—The farmers of this section have begun harvesting wheat. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Brinkley spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Brinkley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Lynch.

Miss Georgia Sams spent Saturday night with Miss Ethel Wilson.

Miss Curna Sams spent Sunday with Miss Jennie Lynch.

Several people from around here attended preaching at the Friends church at Pilot Mt. Sunday, Rev. Thomas Andrews preached.

Mr. Troy Nunn called to see Miss Mary Joyce Sunday evening.

Mr. Jesse Lewis called to see Miss Phebe Jessup Sunday evening.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, June 20, 1923

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