
Friday, June 16, 2023

Oxford Orphanage High School Graduates 18, June 6, 1923

Orphanage High Class Exercises. . . Excellent Program Rendered by Graduating Class Yesterday

Oxford, June 15—The class day exercises of the Oxford Orphanage high school were held this afternoon on the campus of the institution. The exercises were very impressive and showed training, and talent. Eighteen bright boys and girls constituted the graduating class this year. This is the largest in the history of the institution.

The Oxford orphanage has a well equipped and accredited high school. According to officials of the institution the entire class will attend college next fall. The program this afternoon began with the high school procession which was carried out very gracefully and according to people who attended the exercises, was one of the most beautiful that they have ever seen. After the procession the following program was rendered:

When De Shadders Spread Around—D’Vorak, by the Senior Chorus

Welcome by President Gibson McKenzie

History of the Class by Annie Uzzell

Jonny Jump Up—Johnson and the Little Bird—Wood by the class mascot, Virginia Liverman

Class Poem written by Velna Matthews and Nettie Triplett and recited by Velna Mathers [Matthews spelled both ways in the paper]

Class Prophecy—A Sketch in Time 1941—Occasion—Inaugural Ball of the first woman president—persons were a congresswoman Miss Nellie Tripplett; and a minister to Italy, Earnest Tart

Presentation of Gifts by Clydie Smith, Land of the Sky-Blue Water

Cadman by Dorothy Broughton

Last Will and Testament by Jefferson Perry

Song—Alma Mater by senior chorus

Presentation of the Key to the junior class by Clara Sutton

Song “Farewell to Thee” by the senior chorus

The class roll:

Johnson Bailey

Dorothy Broughton

Frances Foil

Pauline Finch

\Velna Matthews

Maurice Mullis

Gibson McKenzie

Jefferson Perry

Clyde Smith

Clara Sutton

Nellie Triplett

Nettie Triplett

William Triplett

Ernest Tart

Margaret Templeton

Annie Uzzell

Ethel Williams

Ruth Williams

The baccalaureate sermon will be preached Sunday, June 17th, at 3:30 o’clock by Dr. A.D. Wilcox, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, Durham. There will be special music; a song “Praise Ye Jehovah by high school chorus; Duet—Sweetly Solemn Thoughts by Dorothy Broughton and Bland Strickland.

Grand Master Hubert M. Poteat of Wake Forest College will deliver the address to the graduating class on Monday evening, June 18th, at 8 o’clock, after which the diplomas will be presented. Special music: “When the foeman Bares His Stee!”—Sullivan, by the High School Chorus; “Sing, Smile, Slumber” Gounad by the Girl’s chorus.

The public is cordially invited to attend all of the exercises.

From page 5 of the Durham Morning Herald, Saturday, June 16, 1923

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