
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Parties Before Mary Turner's Wedding to Frank Rose, June 22, 1923


The marriage of Miss Mary Burt Turner, one of Louisburg’s most popular and charming young ladies, to Mr. Frank R. Rose of Henderson on Saturday is the most interesting social event of the season in Louisburg. Since the announcement of their engagement at a beautiful party given by Miss Frances Barrow on the 12th, other parties, showers, receptions, luncheons, etc., have followed each day.

Mrs. S.J. Parham entertained at a lovely bridge party Thursday morning, followed by a “Miscellaneous Shower.” Miss Mary Exum Burt gave a most attractive bridge party and “Handkerchief Shower” Friday afternoon. Miss Eleanor Yarborough was the charming hostess at a bridge party and “Towel Shower” Tuesday afternoon. Miss Mildred Scott gave a delightful bridge party and “Wash Shower” Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W.E. White gave an unusually beautiful and attractive party in Miss Turner’s honor, and Thursday evening Misses Jessie and Alice Harris gave a lovely bridge party and “Money Shower.”

Friday Mrs. J.L. Palmer will give an elaborate bridge luncheon with toasts, etc., appropriate for this interesting occasion. Friday evening Mrs. R.R. Harris will entertain the young people of Louisburg, friends of Miss Turner and Mr. Rose, at a large reception at her home on Main street.

The wedding will be at the Methodist Church at 6 o’clock Saturday afternoon, June 23, 1923.

From the front page of the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, June 22, 1923


Handkerchief Shower

On Friday afternoon Miss Mary Exum Burt entertained at a handkerchief shower for Miss Mary Turner whose wedding to Mr. Frank Rose takes place on the 23rd of June.

Cut flowers and ferns made the home very lovely. Bridge and Rook were played at nine tables.

After several progressions, Miss Mary Leona Ruffin, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Ruffin, presented Miss Turner with a corsage of sweet peas, which contained the myriad handkerchiefs of the shower.

A fruit salad course was served, and mints and nuts.


Miscellaneous Shower

On Thursday morning, Mrs. S.J. Parham entertained at five tables of Bridge in honor of Miss Mary Turner, bride-elect.

The house was made very attractive with its artistic decorations of Queen Anne’s Lace and fern.

At the conclusion of the game, Miss Frances Russo sang Sanderson’s “Until,” and then the Bridal Chorus from Lohengren during which Miss Rose Kearney Malone and Master Robert Elmore, dressed as a tiny king and queen of Hearts, entered and presented Miss Turner with a white package showered with little red hearts, which contained the miscellaneous shower.

Sandwiches and iced tea were then served, and mints in tiny brides’ bouquets.


Miss Mildred Scott Entertains

Miss Mildred Scott gave an unusual and quite attractive shower honoring Miss Mary Burt Turner, bride-elect, on Tuesday afternoon, June 19.

Bridge was the game of the afternoon, and especially interesting were the hand-painted score cards, each with a Chinese scene, as the young couple are to make China their future home. After several progressions, a “Linen Shower” of beautiful gifts was presented Miss Turner in a launder basket, by a typically costumed Chinaman in the real Chinese lingo.

A delicious salad course and iced ginger ale was served.


Miss Yarborough Entertains

Miss Eleanor Yarborough gave an attractive Towel Shower in honor of Miss Mary Turner on Saturday afternoon, June 16.

The house and porch were beautifully decorated in flowers and ferns, and an enjoyable game of bridge preceded the shower. Miss Mary Exum Burt most happily presented Miss Turner with a large Chinese straw basket filled to overflowing with all kinds of lovely and useful towels. In presenting the gift, Miss Burt used the following sentiments:

“These are for you, Mary Turner, our pal,

May you always be the same sweet gal,

Our hearts are full of good wishes for you,

And we know you will be a wife kind and true.

Here are towels for you in Chinky-Chink town,

And towels for Frank to use and throw down,

In this bundle which love prompted us to bring,

There are towels for almost everything.

Take these and use them as long as they last.

If the ship starts to sink, string them up for a mast.

And in your love-nest across the ocean blue,

Use your towels and remember we are still loving you.”

A delicious course of sandwiches and iced tea was served.

From the front page of the Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, June 22, 1923

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