
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Personal Briefs, Reidsville Review, June 27, 1923

Personal Briefs

Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Norrell spent Sunday in this city.

Miss Lela and Master Wilkerson Gordon are visiting Mrs. R.H. Mitchell.

Miss Helen Benson is visiting her sister, Mrs. C.L. Smith, at South Boston, Va.

J. Earle Smith has returned from a few days visit to his sister in Winston-Salem.

Mrs. K.R. Thompson has returned from an extended visit to relatives in Philadelphia.

Miss Mary Lee Ware has returned home after visiting Mrs. J.L. Norrell, Winston-Salem.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Price and Frank Rankin spent the week-end with relatives in Reidsville.

Miss Nannie Gordon of N.C.C.W., Greensboro, was the week-end guest of Miss Mary Mitchell, Maple avenue.

James Matthewson, who has been attending school at Lexington, Va., is spending a few days with friends here.

Mrs. A.W. Cardin and little daughter Francis, of Durham, are visiting at the home of W.H. Wilkerson on ?? Avenue.

Thos. Smith of Charlotte Agency, Supervisor of the Bankers Reserve Life Company, spent today in Reidsville on business for the company.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, Wednesday, June 27, 1923

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