
Friday, June 30, 2023

Social and Personal by Miss Ruth Farrell, Leaksville, N.C., June 30, 1922

Social and Personal

Miss Ruth Farrell

The Woman’s Missionary Society of the King Memorial church of New Leaksville met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. R.A. Simpson. Mrs. Simpson served refreshing lemonade to the guests as they entered. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. H.A. Webb, the subject for discussion being “Evangelistic Work of the Foreign Mssions Board.” The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. S.J. Beeker, a reading “Over the Border” by Miss Eunice Barham; reading by Mrs. B.F. Parker; a talk by Mrs. Diahl on Evangelistic Work. At the close of this interesting program, Mrs. Simpson, assisted by her daughter, served delicious ice cream with cherries and cake.

Mrs. J.H. Lane returned to her home in Leaksville yesterday after a six weeks visit to her relatives and friends in Ashville, Greensboro and Reidsville.

Mr. and Mrs. P.V. Godfrey and visitor, Miss Meyers, spent yesterday afternoon in Reidsville.

Mrs. E.D. Pitcher is visit5ing Mrs. Pete Scales in the Meadows for several days.

Miss Kittz of |Danville is spending several weeks in Spray.

Miss Mary Brown of Salisbury is visiting Mrs. McCall on Boone Road for several days.

Mrs. George H. Clark is spending the day in Danville shopping.

Miss Mary Sue Farrell, who has been visiting friends in High Point for the past week will return to her home in Leaksville today.

Miss Pearl Moore who has been visiting friends in Danville for the past two weeks, returned to Leaksville Monday.

Miss Hattie Robertson and Miss Rowena Robertson and Miss Rowena Robertson spent yesterday in Greensboro shopping.

Miss Roy Moore and Miss Mary Wilson spent yesterday in Winston-Salem.

Mr. B.F. Ivie left this morning for Richmond to attend the Merchants Association which meets there this week.

Mrs. J.B. Ray, Mrs. A.W. Dunn, Mr. Philip Ray, Philip Wall and James Richardson spent yesterday in Danville shopping.

The Blue Bird Circle of the Leaksville Baptist church will meet Wednesday afternoon with Miss Vivian Hundley.

Miss Elizabeth Brader of Danville is visiting Miss Pearl Moore for several days.

Miss Jones, a nurse from Dr. Edmunds Hospital in Danville, is spending her vacation in Spray with friends and relatives.

From page 4 of the Tri-City Gazette, June 30, 1923

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