
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

With Northern Markets Satisfied, Columbus County Strawberries Left to Rot in Fields, June 14, 1923

Strawberries Rotting in Fields

Whiteville—Despite the fact that many berry growers made small for ?? out of their crop this year, it seems a crying shame to see thousands and thousands of crates of the finest berries rotting on the plant from overripeness, the glutted market having made it unprofitable to pick them while in condition. After the regular markets closed down, many growers continued to pick and ship by express. The returns after cost of picking, crating and expressing had been met were too small to justify the time taken from other crops and car load after car load of fine berries have simply ripened and rotted on the plants.

The Columbus county town which established a canning factory will be performing a distinct service to the growers in its territory. It will enable those growers to harvest and market at a profit, thousands of dollars worth of berries which under present conditions go to waste each year when the northern markets become glutted.

From page 7 of the Carolina Mountaineer, June 14, 1923

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