
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Buick Stolen by Charlie Norris Recovered, July 22, 1923

Stolen Auto Is Recovered Here. . . Deputy Morgan Gets Machine Said to be Taken Several Weeks Ago

A five-passenger Buick automobile alleged to have been taken from the Five Points garage three or more weeks ago by Charlie Norris of Dunn was recovered early Friday morning in East Durham by Deputy Sheriff Lonnie Morgan.

The officer was attracted about 3 o’clock by an automobile that was parked on the side of the street. A man got out of the machine and hurried away. The officer went up and examined the machine and found two containers that once held whiskey, in the bottom of the car. After waiting some time in the bushes nearby for the return of the driver, another examination was made of the machine and the discovery made that it was the auto stolen several weeks ago. The driver never returned to the machine.

It is stated that Norris traded a smaller car for the touring car and was to pay $800 additional. He gave worthless paper, it is stated, and never returned to the city, after declaring that he was going to give the car a tryout one afternoon.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, July 22, 1923

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