
Friday, July 28, 2023

Congressman Ward to Speak at Pleasure Day, Aug. 4, 1923


Hallet S. Ward Speaker of Day. . . 2,000 People Expected to Hear Him Next Saturday, Which Is Pleasure Day in Currituck County

Congressman Hallet S. Ward will be the principal speaker on “Pleasure Day”, which is to be observed at Bible School Park of the Church of Christ at Point Harbor, Currituck County, on Saturday, August 4.

Congressman Ward is one of the most popular speakers in the First Congressional District, and the news that he is to speak in Currituck on this occasion will add to the number who are planning to attend the celebration. Plans are being made to take of not less than 2,000 people, and already workmen are engaged in erecting a speaker’s stand and seats for those wo will hear Congressman Ward.

Besides the speechmaking, other events scheduled for the day will add to the interest in the occasion. Chief, perhaps, among these are the boat races, in which provision will be made for every type of craft that it is desired to enter and prizes will be awarded in each class of race in which there are participants. Owners of speedy craft may enter their boats during the morning of the day, the races taking place in the afternoon.

Dinner, of course, will be provided on the ground, and everybody who knows Currituck knows that provision will be ample. The charge of dinner and other refreshments, say those in charge of arrangements, will be reasonable and nobody need fear that there will not be enough to eat and to spare for all who attend. Besides a good country dinner, other things that will be provided in abundance are confectionery, cool drinks, ice cream, fruit and homemade pies and cake.

The park at which Pleasure Day is to be observed is situated in a beautiful grove near what is known as the Indian Old Fort. From the waterfront, one may get a view of Albemarle, Croatan and Currituck Sounds, while in the distance gleam the white sands of Kill Devil Hill, where the Wright Brothers made their epoch-making experiments with the first successful heavier-than-air flying machine. The wide scope of water surrounding the park makes it one of the coolest places in Currituck County or anywhere in the Albemarle region short of the ocean.

Bathing, boat-riding and fishing are some of the things that are counted on to make the occasion a real pleasure day to those of all ages who attend.

From the front page of the Daily Advance, Elizabeth City, N.C., Saturday, July 28, 1923

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