
Saturday, July 29, 2023

Dr. Allen Arrested in California on Mann White Slave Act Violations, July 29, 1923

Dr. H.B. Allen and Mrs. Helen Cruze; Myrtle Cruze and Myrtle Enloe

A sensation has been caused by the arrest, in Los Angeles, Ca., of Dr. Helon B. Allen, who posed as the philanthropic manager of schools for mountain children in Virginia and North Carolina. It is ascertained that Dr. Allen, who has adopted 57 boys and girls—mostly girls—between 13 and 17, secured more than $200,000 from charitably inclined persons in Pittsburgh and in Ohio for his schools. It is charged he took Mrs. Helen Cruze, a young divorcee; Myrtle Cruze, 18, and Myrtle Enloe, 18, to California, in violation of the Mann white slave act. California dispatches indicate that revelations will surpass those of the “House of David” may be expected.

From page 3 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, July 29, 1923

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