
Saturday, July 1, 2023

Ella Rogers Killed by Husband, July 1, 1923

Slain Negress to be Buried Monday. . . Ella Rogers’ Body Will be Taken to Darlington—Murderer Is Free

Ella Rogers, negress killed by her husband, Ralph Rogers, Friday afternoon in the middle of Ray’s alley in Hayti following a quarrel over her leaving home, will be buried Monday in Darlington, S.c., her former home, according to arrangements made Saturday after message received from relatives directing local undertakers what disposition to make of the body.

Ralph Rogers, the murderer, is still at large with police and sheriff’s deputies without a clue to his whereabouts. It is reported that the authorities were given a false description of the murderer by sympathetic negroes of the neighborhood, who desired to holp the fugitive escape capture. Rogers was not known by the local authorities as he had only moved to Durham recently with his family.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, July 1, 1923

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