
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Farm Demonstration Proves Seed Potatoes from Western N.C. Are Best, July 19, 1923

Home Seed Potatoes Are Best

Seed Irish potatoes secured from growers in the mountains of western North Carolina demonstrated their superiority over those from Canadian and Maine sources in a test recently concluded by County Agent G.W. Falls of Pasquotank county. Mr. Falls put out a demonstration with M.B. Sample of this county early in the spring in an effort to find out whether the N.C. grown seed would do as well as the Northern grown seed.

Mr. Sample reported that the yield on the three plots was practically the same, being at the rate of 209 bushels of marketable potatoes per acre. The seed from Western Carolina, however, produced the earlier plants and yielded a few more No. 2 stock than the others. The Canadian stock showed a tendency to be later but were well fruited. Since earliness is an important matter in getting best prices for new potatoes, it would seem from Mr. Sample’s results that the home grown seed had an advantage over the Northern grown.

According to Director B.W. Kilgore of the Extension Service this test is in line with similar results secured by the specialists of the college and Department of Agriculture. There is now no need for North Carolina farmers to buy their seed stock from Main or any other Northern point because, now that seed inspection work has been put on in the mountains and tests show that healthy seed from this source is better than imported seed, eastern farmers may look to the western growers for their seed to the mutual advantage of both.

From the front page of The Alamance Gleaner, Thursday, July 19, 1923

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