
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Ferry Road is Sound Although It Has Sunk and Is Partly Underwater at High Tide, Says McNutt, July 20, 1923

Says Ferry Road Is No Longer Sinking. . . Engineer McNutt Says No Cause for Alarm Over Road Sagging

There is no cause for alarm over the two sunken places in the Camden Ferry road between Elizabeth City and Camden C.H., according to George E. McNutt, engineer of the State Highway Commission who superintended the construction of the road. Some such sinks in the road were anticipated, says Mr. McNutt and are common to roads built over marsh lands.

In two places on the Camden Ferry Road the road has sunk a foot or two and is covered by water at high tide. But levels taken by Mr. McNutt for the past 30 days and he believes it will hold where it is. There is no break in the road where the road has sagged and Mr. McNutt does not think there will be any. The road of concrete is built on heavy steel lath reinforced with continuous bars of steel. It is much like a great suspension bridge and while the foundation in many places may be weak and permit sagging, the road firmly anchored on substantial foundations on both ends sustains much of the weight of the road in the low places; or like a cable sagging in the middle while firmly supported from poles at either end.

Mr. McNutt repeats that he has no fears for the durability and permanency of the whole road.

From the front page of The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, July 20, 1923

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