
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

J.H. Allen, Welfare Superintendent, May Replace Supt. L.N. Hickerson, July 4, 1923

Supt. Hickerson Has Opposition

Somebody is after Supt. L.N. Hickerson’s scalp!

At the meeting of the county board of education Monday stiff opposition developed against the re-election of the superintendent. The board deferred action on the matter till a later date.

Friends of J.H. Allen, welfare superintendent, are grooming him for the position of school superintendent, and it is understood that he has the backing of some of the members of the school board. Supt. Allen temporarily filled this position in Supt. Hickerson’s absence during the world war.

The board of education will select a county superintendent at its meeting at Wentworth next Monday.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, July 4, 1923

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