
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Judge Sinclair Orders Hamlet Hospital to Release Rodney Neal, Who Couldn't Pay His Bill, July 26, 1923

Says Hospital Holds Boy Against Will

Fayetteville, July 17—A writ of habeas corpus proceedings was signed by Judge N.A. Sinclair in Lumberton last week, returnable to him Friday, in the action to have the Hamlet Hospital at Hamlet release Rodney Neal, 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Neal of Fayetteville, who was alleged to have been held under lock and key at the hospital because he was unable to pay a large hospital bill.

The case grew out of an accident in which young Neal was seriously injured while working for a contracting company, now erecting the new hotel building in Maxton. As soon as the boy was found to be seriously injured, he was rushed to the Hamlet Hospital. A young employe of the contracting company told Dr. James that the company would pay half the hospital bill. It has developed that the representative of the company was under age and could not legally make a contract to this effect. The boy underwent an operation and spent several weeks in the hospital. Dr. James notified his parents that he was well enough to be discharged and to come for him, which they did.

They claim that they were told upon reaching the institution that he could not be discharged until his bill had been paid.

From page 7 of The Moore County News, Carthage, July 26, 1923

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