
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Local News in the N. Wilkesboro Hustler, July 25, 1923

Local News in Town and County

The Oxford orphanage children will be here August 1st.

The big tent meeting at Rock Creek started Sunday, July 22nd.

Mr. R.L. Miller of Deeming, New Mexico, is visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. C.E. Jenkins.

Solicitor Hayes and family who have been visiting in Watauga three weeks, will be home Saturday.

The baby son of Prof. and Mrs. Ernest Hendren of Mount Airy died in a hospital there July 12th.

The Big Singing Contest was at the court house last Friday. Watauga and Alexander county carried off the prizes.

Mrs. Archie McNeill, whose condition is extremely low, is, so far as can be discerned this morning, unchanged. A change if hourly expected.

Eighty-three students is the number attending the Mountain View teachers’ training school. This increase is about 25 since opening July 9th with near 60, Professor Wright says.

William or mostly known as “Bill” Wadkins, (col) died last Thursday at his home in the Fairplains locality at the age of 69 or 70 years. He owned considerable land and leaves a large number of grown children.

The following this month completed the teachers’ summer school at Boone: Misses Eula Forester, Ida Lowe, Carrie and Jettie Brookshire, Mamie McNeill, Myrtle Hunt, Delle Kilby, Carrie V. Foote and Pearl Bumgarner.

We believe it was the Wilkes Patriot last week which had an item about a rattle snake killed in Boomer township that had 13 rattles “after having lost several in the woods.” Mr. Ed Crysel of Wilkesboro and others in a threshing crew killed a rattler July 17th up the river 3 feet and a few inches long.

Mr. H.M. Welborn and nephew, Mr. John Welborn, of Ore Knob locality, spent Wednesday night at Mr. A.V. Foote’s. Mrs. J.M. Wellborn returned the day prior from visiting her son, Dr. Wm. Wellborn, at Elkin. The two formerly mentioned will probably go to Mr. Wellborn’s at Independence the 24th, the latter’s birthday. (Last names were spelled Welborn and Wellborn in the newspaper.)

Mrs. L.F. Tillery of Rocky Mount arrived via the Taylorsville train first of the week to her brother’s here, Mr. L. Vyne, who met her at Taylorsville, she returning from Texas where her son, Mr. Jarvis Tillery, located a few years ago and recently organized or became a shareholder in an oil company. Two wells were started last week by the company, Mr. Vyne was saying.

Misplacing a note book caused us last week to omit some news items: Mr. and Mrs. U.S. Page, and two sons, of Cool Springs, Iredell County, spent Wednesday night week before last at Dr. J.M. Turner’s. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. McNeill and adopted daughter Pearl, of Charlotte, visited her uncle here and kinsfolk near Purlear returning to Charlotte about the 20th. Mr. and Mrs. James Shook returned to Winston the 15th.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, July 25, 1923

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