
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Myrtle Black Shares News from West End, Rt. 1, July 26, 1923

West End, Route 1

By Miss Myrtle Black

The crops in this section are looking very nice after the rains.

Mrs. F.J. McKinzie is spending a few days with relatives on Carthage route.

Miss Myrtle Black spent last week visiting friends at Jackson Springs.

Miss Myrtle McKenzie visited on this route last week.

Miss Mildred Richardson and Mr. Bill Horner called at Mr. Will Harris’ Sunday evening.

A large crowd attended the Sing at W.M. Wiseman’s Saturday night.

There will be preaching at Beulah Hill every first and third Sunday and Sunday school every Sunday evening, also B.Y.P.U. every Sunday evening, except the third Sunday. Everybody come.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Richardson called on Carthage route Sunday.

A large crowd attended the fish fry at McKenzie’s Mill Saturday night.

Mrs. F.J. McKenzie spent the week-end with her son, Mr. Frank McKenzie on Carthage route.

Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Richardson called on this route Sunday.

Mrs. M.J. McKenzie of this route is at home after spending a few days with her parents on Carthage route.

Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Wicker and children are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. M.A. Ritter.

Miss Eula McKenzie spent Saturday night with Misses Ventie May and Josephine Ritter.

From page 7 of The Moore County News, Carthage, July 26, 1923

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