
Friday, July 14, 2023

Rev. D.S. Blackwell Leads Mt. Lebanon A.M.E. Zion Church to Pay Off Debt, July 13, 1923

REV. D.S. BLACKWELL—Able Negro Minister who has led Mt. Lebanon A.M.E. Zion church out of debt.

Fine Testimonial to Negro Stickativeness. . . Biggest Negro Church in Northeastern North Carolina all Paid For

After 20 years of a disheartening struggle which several times resulted in dividing the congregation against itself and during which time its membership dropped from 800 to 400 and the church was several times advertised to be sold for debt, Mr. Lebanon A.M.E. Zion Church of Elizabeth City has paid off its indebtedness in full and there is rejoicing in that ?? of the lord today.

To Rev. D.S. Blackwell, D.D., who came to the pastorate of Mt. Lebanon last December, the credit for lifting the mortgage from the largest and handsomest Negro church in Northeastern North Carolina. This stalwart, (words obscured), kindly, upright colored man tackled the task of getting Mt. Lebanon out of debt and in the six months of his ministry has succeeded in raising $6,831.67. The indebtedness on the church when he came was about $5,000. As a mark of appreciation of his services the members recently presented him with a new suit of clothes, with shoes and hat thrown in for good measure.

Mt. Lebanon is the oldest and largest Negro church in Elizabeth City. It was founded in 1855 on about the same spot the present church is located. Its membership members the wealthiest and most influential colored folks in town, with only a few notable exceptions.

The officers and trustees include such men as D.H. Holland, S.P. Drew, Spencer Elliott, F.W.M. Batler, N.W. Batt, I.C. Bryant, Emanuel Davis, Walter Smith, Peter Perry, Geo. Bright, D.W. White, H.S. Perkins, N.E. Hart, Calvin Dickerson, John Whitehurst, John Weeks, Dr. E.L. Hoffler, Dr. G.W. Cardwell, Peter Muilen(?), S.J. Watson, Dr. F. ? Cooke, P.E. Little, Chas. Robinson and Rev. J.H. Wilson.

The church building today is valued at $40,000(?) and could hardly be duplicated for that. No one will ever know what it cost in careless financing and bad ?? at times. Interest on the indebtedness alone during the past 17 years has run into the thousands of dollars, but with a sublime courage and a sustaining price of rare the faithful ones have stood by the church in every crisis. Mt. Lebanon today stands not only as a monument(?) to the religious zeal of the race, but a testimonial to Negro stick-to-it-tiveness as well.

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, Friday, July 13, 1923

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