
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Sheriff Brings in Man in Spencer Roten Case, July 25, 1923

Deputy Sheriff L.G. Woodie arrived on the noon train last Wednesday from the coal fields of West Virginia having arrested and with him Lundy Darnell and son Roosevelt met at the train here by Sheriff Elledge and Deputy Sheriff Bumgarner. They were committed to the Wilkes jail the two being handcuffed together. The boy or younger man is charged with killing Spencer Roten with a piece of rail in the northern edge of the county not far from Ore Knob a few years ago, and the elder Darnell is to face a charge of violating the liquor laws and carrying or threatened use of deadly weapon, it is said.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, July 25, 1923

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