
Friday, August 25, 2023

13-Year-Old Killed in Target Shooting Accident, Aug. 25, 1923

Greensboro Youth Accidentally Killed. . . Oliver Spencer Causey Shot While at Target Practice Near His Home

By the Associated Press

Greensboro, Aug. 25—Oliver Spencer Causey, 13, son of Mr. and Mrs. Causey of Irving Park, was shot and almost instantly killed today about 9:45 o’clock while engaged in target practice with a .22 calibre rifle in the rear of the Causey home. The gun, in the hands of Holly Hauck, his playmate, was accidentally discharged when the trigger caught on the twig of a small tree while young Hauck was arranging a box preparatory to begin the practice. The boy’s father is Secretary-Treasurer of the Pomona Mills.

From the front page of the Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, Aug. 25, 1923

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