
Thursday, August 31, 2023

Andrews, Dowdy, Sanders, Hatch, Wissler Obituaries, Aug. 30, 1923

Death of Mr. Andrews

Apex Journal

Mr. John Andrews, aged 74 years, died at his home in Apex Saturday morning, August 18th. The remains were buried at Lystra Sunday afternoon, August 19th, this being his old home church. He was a brother of Mrs. S.E. Cole of Riggsbee and was well and favorably known in Chatham county.

Mr. Andrews is survived by three sons and one daughter. A large crowd attended the funeral, including many friends from Greensboro, Raleigh and Durham.


Death of Mrs. Lillie Dowdy

Cumnock, Rt. 1, August 27—It is with a sad heart that I try to write a few lines in loving remembrance of Mrs. Lillie Dowdy, widow of Mr. Rob Dowdy, who died at her home on August 23rd and was laid to rest in the cemetery at Antioch Christian church by the side of her husband on August 24th.

Rev. Jonas Barclay, Presbyterian pastor at Pittsboro, conducted the funeral service. Mrs. Dowdy was a kind and loving friend, a good mother and she was loved by all who knew her. She will be greatly missed in her home and by innumerable friends, who are left grieving over her death.

The family has our sympathy, and while many tender-hearted friends are near to console, only God can heal the broken hearts and fill with sacred love, giving us a spirit of kindness. We know that He doeth all things for the best.

Mrs. Dowdy has paid the debt that we all must pay, sooner or later, for life is uncertain and death is sure.

It seemed hard to give her up, yet we are sure that she has gone to a richer reward and is in her celestial home, where all is peace and happiness.

She leaves several sisters, three daughters, two sons and a host of other relatives and friends. May the good Lord comfort and console the bereaved.


Mrs. Basil Sanders Dead

Mrs. Basil Sanders, wife of Mr. Basil Sanders, died at her home about three miles east of Pittsboro Wednesday of last week and her remains were interred in the cemetery at Hanks Chapel church last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Sanders was 73 years old and her death was caused from old age and a complication of diseases.

She leaves her husband, two sons, Clem (Cap) and Len Sanders, and two daughters, Misses Daisy and Ada. She was a member of Hanks Chapel for many years and leaves many friends who will regret to learn of her death.

Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Carden, assisted by Rev. Jonas Barclay and a large concourse of people followed this good woman to her final resting place.


Death of Mrs. Hatch

Mrs. Martha Hatch, widow of the late Larney Hatch, passed into eternity at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R.B. Lineberry, at Winton, Tuesday of last week, aged about 74 years. Her death followed an illness of five weeks from paralysis.

Mrs. Hatch was well known in Pittsboro where she resided nearly all of her life up to about three year ago, when she left to live with some of her children.

Before moving to Pittsboro she made her home at the Hatch farm, about a mile from town. It seemed hard for her to give up the old home place and time and again she, with her daughter, Mrs. Eva Lineberry, would go out there and spend the summer. Even during last June the two spent several weeks there together. Following their return to Colerain, where Mrs. Hatch’s daughter was then living, later moving to Winton, this good woman was stricken with paralysis and never fully recovered, suffering three strokes before the end came. For five weeks Mrs. Hatch lay helpless, not being able to move her body, and her daughter and friends at Winton did all that love and sympathy could do to relieve her pain and worry.

She passed away fully conscious of the nearing end, although she was not able to speak or raise a hand.

Her remains were brought to Pittsboro Wednesday, August 22nd, and were immediately taken to Hanks cemetery, where she was laid to rest. The funeral was conducted by Rev. R.R. Gordon, assisted by Rev. Jonas Barclay, amidst many sorrowing relatives, her children and kinsfolk.

Mrs. Hatch leaves two sons, Robert of Gainesville, Ga., and Mack of Charlotte, and two daughters, Mrs. G.R. Underwood of Bennett, Mrs. R.B. Lineberry of Winton, and many other relatives to mourn their loss.

Relatives from Burlington, Pleasant Garden, Ramseur and other towns were here to attend the funeral.

Truly, it can be said that a good mother and a good friend will be missed.


. Wissler Died on Sunday

Moncure, Aug. 27—Mrs. J.H. Wissler (nee Miss Mildred Jones), the wife of Capt. J.H. Wissler of this place and the daughter of Wm. H. Jones and Sarah E. Jones, died from the effects of pneumonia last Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock.

Mrs. Wissler was born at Moncure October 18, 1860. Her age, therefore, was 62 years, 10 months and 7 days. The last eight years of her life was spent as an invalid, she being paralyzed on her right side.

She leaves one sister, Mrs. Frank F. Boyden of Goldsboro, and a devoted husband, Hon. J.H. Wissler, to mourn their loss.

The funeral party left Moncure on August 27th for Rural Retreat, Va., where she will be buried on Tuesday, August 28th.

Mr. and Mrs. Wissler had many friends in North Carolina as well as other states. Much sympathy from his many friends goes to the bereaved husband.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Boyden of Goldsboro, together with two trained nurses, spent last week at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Wissler.

From the front page of The Chatham Record, Pittsboro, N.C., Thursday, Aug. 30, 1923

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