
Saturday, August 26, 2023

Chapel Hill, Morrisville Society News, Durham Morning Herald, Aug. 26, 1923


Miss Burch Hostess

Chapel Hill, Aug. 25—Miss Lillian Burch entertained a number of her friends Thursday night in honor of Misses Irma and Sallie Wilkerson of Roxboro. A number of interesting games were played after which an ice course was served. Miss Margaret Webb rendered several selections on the piano. Music for dancing was furnished by victrola.

Those present were Misses Annie and Lizzie Neville, Margaret Webb, Ethelyne, Jessie and Rachel Fowler, Mamie and Maxine Pickard, Helen Parker, Sallie and Irma Wilkerson, Ruth Blalock and Pauline Burch, Messrs. Ray, Sinclair, Gerald, McClenden, Sykes, Smith, Fowler, Baker, Charles and Paul Thompson, Downing, King, Leonard and Mann.


Misses Irma and Sallie Wilkerson of Roxboro are visiting Miss Lillian Burch at her home on McCauley street.


Born on Wednesday evening, an eight and one-half pound boy to Professor and Mrs. C.H. Fernald of Chapel Hill.

Born on Monday morning, a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buice of Chapel Hill.


Morrisville News

Morrisville, Aug. 25—H.C. Sears returned Thursday from Durham where he attended the annual session of the Jr. O.U.A.M.

Mrs. Guy Herndon and little son, of Burlington, are spending some time with Mrs. W.A. Pleasants.

Miss Rebecca Clements is visiting Miss Hannah Lynn near Morrisville.

Mrs. W.A. Beasley and daughter, Ruth, of Durham are visiting Mrs. H.C. Sears.

Mrs. E.E. Upchurch returned to her home in Spartanburg, S.C., Thursday after spending her vacation here with Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Nutt.

Miss Alma Herndon of Raleigh has returned after spending several days with her father, Justine Herndon.

Mrs. Irene Cardwell of North Wilkesboro has returned to her home after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Clements.

Mrs. G.H. Reams and daughter, of Durham, are spending several days with Mrs. Clyde Page.

E.W. Clements and son, Milton, spent Friday in Raleigh on business.

Mrs. L.G. Simpson and sister spent Wednesday in Durham shopping.

Mrs. Blanche Proffitt returned to her home in Durham Friday after visiting her sister, Mrs. Clyde Page for some time.

Mrs. Lucille Riggsbee of Durham spent last week with Miss Madge Riggsbee.

Miss Rebecca Clements spent Tuesday in Raleigh on business.

Mrs. Clyde Page and Mrs. Blanche Proffitt spent Friday in Raleigh.

From the Durham Herald, Sunday, Aug. 26, 1923

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