
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Go to School Parttime and Share Job With Another Student, Offers Mill, Aug. 30, 1923

Do You Need to Work, Yet Want to Go to School? This Opportunity in Part Time School for Boys and Girls. . . Your Overseer Will Help You Do This

The regular Schools will open next Thursday, September 6th, and at that time many of the Boys and Girls who are working in the mills will be returning to School to take up their studies.

It is honed that we can start the part time classes which has been mentioned in these columns before. There has been quite a bit of interest from various sources in this class and it is hoped that by the last of the week quite a number of the boys and girls will signify their intention of joining the class.

Your overseer will be glad to help you in making arrangements to operate with another boy or girl and the two together will be able to do the work, one going to school in the morning and the other in the afternoon, for three hours. In this way both can still go to school and make their money in the mill. Any boys and girls over 16 who are interested in this program will also be admitted. If you are interested please let your overseer know before the end of this week.

One of the many interesting features of this class will be the teaching of Geography by moving pictures. There will be other things just as interesting.

From the front page of The Co-Operation Arrow, Spray, N.C., Thursday, Aug. 30, 1923

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