
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Eugene Leavitt, Eleanor Ogilby Have Died, Aug. 24, 1923

Eugene Leavitt

The death of Eugene Leavitt which occurred last Saturday afternoon marks the passing of another one of the older residents of Southern Pines. Mr. Leavitt, who has been in ill health for several years, after the death of his wife, which occurred in May 1922, slowly failed until the end came last Saturday.

Mr. Leavitt had been prominent in the Masonic Order all his life and also in the Order of the Eastern Star, having served as Worthy Patrol of Magnolia Chapter O.E.S. No. 26 from 1914 to 1919 and the funeral service which took place on Tuesday afternoon at the Congregational Church was conducted by Magnolia Chapter of the Eastern Star and the burial at Mount Hope Cemetery was conducted by the Southern Pines Masonic Bodies. Rev. C.E. Clarke, Minister of the Presbyterian Church in Carthage, officiated at the service. The funeral services was conducted with that spirit of dignity and beauty that always marks the Eastern Star and Masonic Service and was largely attended by the people in this section of the county.

Eugene Leavitt was born at Laconia, N.H., in 1849 and lived in that state and Vermont until he moved South. In 1877 he married Miss Louise C. Colby of East Orange, Vermont. Mrs. Leavitt died on May 7, 1922. Mr. and Mrs. Leavitt with their son Bernard came to Moore County in 1888 and settled on a farm at Ashley Heights, where Mr. Leavitt entered into the lumber business on an extensive scale. He continued in this business until 1900, when he moved to Southern Pines and bought the Telephone System which at that time was a very primitive plant with only a few phones. Soon after he came to Southern Pines he became affiliated with the Masonic Organization, having been identified with the Masonic Organization in Lancaster, N.H. He rose to prominence in the Masonic Order, becoming Eminent Commander of the Southern Pines Commandery in 1919. Mr. Leavitt’s Masonic record is given at the end of this article. Before he came “South he was prominently connected with the Vermont National Guard, holding a commission as Captain in a Vermont Regiment. Mr. Leavitt was a man of marked business ability and high integrity, of a pronounced kindly disposition, sociable with his neighbors and always ready to extend a helping hand. He was popular with his fellow Masons and business associates, and will be greatly missed.

Mr. Leavitt leaves on son, Bernard W. Leavitt of Southern Pines who is will known in Moore County and who for a number of years has been Manager of the local telephone system.

Masonic Record

Raised in North Star Lodge No. 8 at Lancaster, N.H., September 2, 1884; Affiliated with Southern Pines Chapter April 16, 1903; from North Star |Chapter No. 16, Lancaster, N.H., Master 1908-1909. Knighted in Southern Pines Commandery December 27, 1905, Eminent commander 1919, Elected Life Member of Southern Pines Lodge June 21, 1920.


Mrs. Eleanor C. Ogilby

Mrs. Eleanor C. Ogilby, widow of the late Rev. Edward R. Ogilby, both of whom were well known in Southern Pines, died last Friday in Atlantic City, N.J., where she was spending the summer.

The funeral service was held at Christ Church in Raleigh on Sunday afternoon and the interment was at Oakwood Cemetery in Raleigh.

Mrs. Ogilby had many friends in Southern Pines, having spent a part of every winter here since her husband’s death. Mr. Ogilby was the Rector of Emmanuel Church in Southern Pines for a short time about 11 years ago. Surviving Mrs. Ogliby is one sister, Mrs. J.C. Chambers, who is also well known in Southern Pines.

From the front page of The Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines, N.C., Aug. 24, 1923

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