
Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Hundreds Attend Drag Wedding to Raise Money for School, Aug. 2, 1923

Womanless Wedding Makes Hit of Season. . . Hundreds Attend Marriage of Popular Couple

The School Auditorium was the scene of the season’s most brilliant social event last Tuesday night when Gerald F. Stone, popular man-about-town, became the hesitant bridegroom of “Miss” Billie Stearns, debutante of several summers.

Long before the opening strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March sounded through the building there gathered in and about the auditorium the elite, bon-ton and eclat of Tryon society. The traffic squad were kept busy providing parking space for the long lines of automobiles and Fords.

During the interval spent in waiting for the groom to muster sufficient courage, two courses of music were served by local “Bella-donnas.”

Promptly upon the stroke of 8:30 the groomsmen came in two by two, followed by a gay galaxy of bridesmaids who rushed slowly up the aisle one by one. Next came all the sisters and aunts of the blushing bride, who following tramped majestically to the halter in all her glory and maiden modesty.

It must be admitted that the groom, as he tremblingly awaited his bride, looked as though he medicated on the joys incident to the occasion without finding much comfort in said meditations. Great credit is due him for the manner in which he concealed his fears and doubts.

After some little difficulty in straightening out the B. and G when the ceremony began, a difficulty quickly righted by the bride who thereby announced herself as boss of the ranch, the service proceeded marred only by the vociferous objections of Baby Pink.

Following the wedding a formal reception was held for only the close relatives, friends and town-at-large on the auditorium steps.

A collection was taken up at the door for the benefit of the School Library. A substantial sum was raised.

From the front page of the Polk County News, Tryon, N.C., Thursday, Aug. 2, 1923

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