
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Judge Jones Dies of Wounds in Family Row, Aug. 23, 1923

Judge Jones Dies of Wounds by Son-in-Law. . . Lingered 18 Days After Being Shot in Intestines in a Family Row

Greensboro, Aug. 20—C.A. Jones, aged 47, former municipal court judge here, died in a hospital here today from the effects of a pistol ball fired by his son-in-law, F. Clyde Tuttle, also of this city, on August 2. Tuttle gave himself up immediately after he was notified of the death of Jones, was charged with murder, and bond fixed at $10,000 for his appearance at a hearing, the date of hearing being Saturday 25th. He had been out on bond of $5,000, on a charge of assault with deadly weapon, waiting outcome of Jones’ wound.

That Jones lived 18 days after he was shot is considered remarkable, as the bullet punctured his intestines in seven places. At one time it was thought he would recover, but for the past week he has been in desperate condition.

Tuttle shot Jones in the kitchen of the home of Jones, while the two were quarreling. Tuttle claimed self defense at the time, saying Jones shot first. Tuttle has been operating an advertising agency here.

There had been bad feeling between the men for some time, and Tuttle, who was living in the home of Jones, had moved out, but moved back.

Jones was born in Rockingham county, moved here 20 years ago, became police officer, then police judge, later becoming a contractor. His body will be carried Tuesday to Mayfield, near Ruffin, Rockingham county, for funeral and interment. He leaves a widow and two unmarried daughters in addition to Mrs. Tuttle.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., Aug. 23, 1923

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