
Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Local News in North Wilkesboro Hustler, Aug. 22, 1923

Local News in Town and County

Mt. View Institute opened Tuesday morn with a large enrollment.

Wilkes superior court adjourned last Saturday between 6 and 7 p.m. having had one of the largest dockets ever on record.

The Wilkesboro school will open September 17th. A fuller account being crowded out this week will be given next week.

No information had come to Agent J.L. Clement yesterday as to any reduction in the railroad fare to the Winston reunion Sept. 4-5th.

Your attention is directed to the rent advertisement on page five. If you are interested in getting a good residence in town, read the ad.

Those interested in making up school work for the Wilkesboro school are requested to meet Supt. Weaver at the school building in Wilkesboro Saturday, August 25th.

Mr. Ed. Duls has gone on his annual trip t o South Carolina where the tobacco market has already opened and where he is auctioneering, and will return here in October.

Dramatic dialog, “Anarchy or Patriotism,” will be given at Wilkesboro Saturday night, August 25th, and in North Wilkesboro Sunday, August 25th, by Rev. Arthur Kale and Mr. R.L. Davis Jr. The program to be given in Wilkesboro will be at the court house.

Mr. Charley C. Watson, who was in town last week, and is one of the North Carolina’s ex-soldiers of the World War who went from Camp Greene over-seas, expects to try out the poultry business perhaps sometime. While at the Raleigh State College this year, he made 98 in gardening.

Claude Barber and Jim Martin, both colored, were arrested in East Carolina Friday evening between sundown and dark by constable Estep of Wilkesboro township. Both negroes work here in North Wilkesboro. They had a half gallon jar of “clear liquor”—the Barber negro said apple brandy.

Mr. Chas. C. Watson, who has been at Raleigh several months at the A. & M. State College taking a special course, was here Thursday from Ashe where he visited his father, Mr. R. Watson of Beaver Creek, Ashe county, and will spend several days at his home at Wilbar before returning to Raleigh next month. Mr. Otto Minton of Minton and he returned from Raleigh together week before last.

From the front page of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Aug. 22, 1923. Two items state Charley Watson is at college, the first at Raleigh State College and the second at A. & M. State College. Different names for the same college, which today is called North Carolina State University, Raleigh.

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