
Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Personal News From the Office, Lily Mill, Rhode Island Mill, American Warehouse, Aug. 30, 1923

Spray Personals

General Office

Mrs. W.T. Payne and daughter, Nancy, with a party from Danville, motored to Ocean View, Va., for the week. On their return they stopped in Richmond for the night.

Mr. H.l. Slaydon spent the past week-end in Stockton, Va., with his parents.

Misses Gloria and Iva Hailey returned Saturday from a few days visit in Lynchburg, Va.

Mr. H.Z. Smith spent the week-end at his home in Martinsville, Va.

Miss Jennie Fagge has returned to work after being out for several weeks.

Mr. Stuart O. Bondurant spent part of Sunday and Monday of last week in Dunn.


Lily Mill

Cloth, Beaming, Quilling and Spooling/B>

Mrs. J.L. Roberson, who has been out several weeks, returned to work this morning.

Misses Elsie and Daisy Land were visiting relatives in Winston last week.

Mr. Reed Boyles of Winston and Mr. Walter Boyles of Walnut Cove were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Land Sunday.

Miss Minnie Baughn, Mrs. W.J. Baughn and Harry Baughn and Mrs. McCollum were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Patterson at their Country home Saturday.

Mr. John Baughn who was visiting at Norfolk last week has returned home and reported a fine time.

Mr. Cook and Miss Lora Walker are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Patterson Saturday.

We are glad to report that Mr. J.M. Baughn is some better.

Misses Beatrice and Florence Jones were visiting relatives in Greensboro last week.

Miss Gladys Evans was the guest of Miss Edna Holland last week.

Mr. and Mrs. I.H. Walker and children were visiting relatives in Danville last week.

Mr. Gilmer Nowlin had his tonsils removed Wednesday and is getting along nicely.

Mrs. W.L. Ellington and children were visiting Mrs. H.O. Elmore at Cramerton, N.C., last week.

Miss Inez Troughman has resigned her position in the cloth room and returned to her home at Concord to attend school. We are very sorry to lose Miss Troughman but are not sorry she is going to school.


Miss Bianica and Tounie Woody spent last week with friends and relatives in Danville and Schoolfield.

Mr. Claude Eggleston was the guest of his brother-in-law near Sandy Ridge last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Warren and children spent last week in the country visiting Mr. Henry Watkins.

Mr. Charlie Holley called to see Miss Mary Alderman in the country Saturday, returning Sunday bring back Miss Alderman with him.

Miss Florence Cobb has a new beau, Mr. Jim London. Wonder what has become of the little widower?

Mrs. Leonard’s daughter, Myrtle, and little son, Charles, spent the week end in Greensboro, visiting Mrs. Katherine Marshall.

Miss Lay McCrickard came to work after spending five weeks with relatives at Chatham.

Mr. Grover Fare motored to Madison Sunday and he and Dewey Mabes visited someone’s watermelon patch while up there. Grover said they sure did have a time eating watermelons.

Mr. Theodore Gillispie attended a dance up in the country last week.

Misses Duby Craddock, Ballard Hodges and Raymond Newman were putting out some spite work Saturday night. Their girls had dates with some more boys and those poor heartbroken boys said if they couldn’t be with them they had their hearts so they made themselves miserable by riding up and down by their homes. They say it is awful for a girl to get a boy’s heart and then tramp it under her feet, as those girls did them.

Hey girls, don’t we have a time! Mr. Clyde Newman and Miss Tillie Patterson were married Sunday. All the Lilly Mill girls came to work this morning rejoicing over Mr. Jesse Butler not getting married, when Mr. Webster, our second hand broke the news to us Clyde was married so that’s worse but we want to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Newman and give them our deepest sympathy.

Mr. and Mrs. S.R. Hall and children and Mr. Hall’s mother motored to Winston-Salem, Greensboro and High Point last week and spent a few days, returning to their home Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kapps and children motored to Winston Sunday and spent two days. Came back by High Point and Greensboro Tuesday, and went to Danville Thursday visiting friends, returning Friday bringing Mrs. Hodnett with them as their guest the latter part of the week.

Miss Una Graham spent her vacation at home. She says she slept it all away.

Mr. Conard said he worked all last week painting his house. Wonder who did the bossing.

There were two girls in Carolina Heights last night awfully blue. Don’t know what the trouble was unless they got a rolling.

Miss Flora Young and Allie Fulcher were riding around with Messrs. Rammil Wynn and Guy Smith Sunday afternoon.

We are sorry to say that Mr. James Setleiff has resigned his position here and gone to California to seek riches.

Mr. Floyd Voss and Smith Fulcher were riding around by themselves Sunday. Wonder where the widow was?


Rhode Island Mill


Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Houchins and Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Grogan were in Winston, N.C., last Sunday to see mr. Jack Chatman, who is ill.

Mr. J.G. DeHart, Mr. P.D. Shelor, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. DeHart and son Roy DeHart spent their vacation in the mountains of Virginia.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Warren, August 23rd, a girl.

Miss Mosbie Hubb received a nice box of candy yesterday from a friend in Virginia.

Louie Benton has accepted a position in this Department.

Mr. Chas Landreth visited his mother last week near Reidsville.

Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Weaver and daughter, Addie Weaver, spent several days last week in Norfolk and Ocean View, Va.


American Warehouse


Misses Kate and Hattie Cook are visiting their father at Clover, Va.

Miss Ellie Sykes was visiting in Wilmington last week. Ellie says of all the things she ever saw in her long life the ocean was the largest.

Mr. and Mrs. T.D. Quesenburg are visiting friends and relatives in Floyd, Va.

Miss Maggie Peters has returned from Vest, Va., where she has been for several weeks on business.

Saturday, August the 18th, Miss Maggie Nance and Mr. Jesse Johnson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nelson, motored to Wentworth and were quietly married. Miss Nance is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Nance on Early Avenue. Mr. Johnson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson of Mayodan. Both are well known and have a number of friends who wish for Mr. and Mrs. Johnson a long and happy life.

Mrs. Ida Shelton has returned to work after an absence of several weeks.

Miss Virginia Jones and Mr. Ernest Shelton motored to Stuart, Va., Monday, August 20, and were quietly married in the presence of a few friends. Their friends wish for them much success and a prosperous life.

Mr. Ray Johnson is sporting a new pair of glasses this week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. F.C. Cowan, Tuesday, August 21, a son.

From page 3 of The Co-Operation Arrow, Spray, N.C., Thursday, Aug. 30, 1923

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