
Saturday, August 19, 2023

Phoebe Anderson Wins Peace Warrant Against Her Husband; Other Cases in Recorder's Court, Aug. 19, 1923

Seven New Cases Tried Saturday. . . Phoebe Anderson Appeared Against Major Anderson in Peace Warrant

Seven new cases and a larger number of continued cases took up the Saturday morning of recorder’s court. No road sentences were handed out in the new cases, fines of small amounts being taxed the defendants.

Phoebe Anderson appeared in court Saturday and declared that she feared her husband, Major Anderson. She had previously sown out a complaint and peace warrant against her much better half and was upheld by the court in her contentions that she had sufficient grounds to fear the defendant. Anderson was required to give bond of $25 to insure his good behavior in the future and to appear monthly in court for the next six months.

A.L. Johnson, charged with violating a city ordinance, was called but failed to answer his name. Capias was issued.

J.B. Knott was given a suspended judgment upon payment of the costs for violating a city ordinance.

Major Benton, charged with drunkenness, was fined $5 and the costs for violating a city ordinance.

Dora Brown was ordered to pay $10 and the costs for alleged assault and battery with deadly weapon. She was also ordered to pay $1.75 doctor’s bill for her victim.

Elizabeth Thompson, upon the same charge as the Brown woman, was fined $10 and the costs.

From Section Two of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, Aug. 19, 1923

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