
Thursday, August 3, 2023

President Harding's Life in Brief, Aug. 3, 1923

Harding’s Life in Brief

1865—Born November 2 on farm near Blooming Grove, Ohio.

1882—Graduated from Ohio Central College, Iberia, O.

1884—Became editor and owner of Marion Daily Star, Ohio.

1891—Married Miss Florence Kling of Marion.

1900--Entered Ohio State Senate.

1902—Started upon second term in Ohio State.

1910—Defeated in Ohio gubernatorial campaign.

1914—Elected United States senator from Ohio.

1920—Won republican presidential nomination and was elected over James M. Cox, democratic candidate.

1921—Inaugurated 29th President of the United States.

Called world conference on disarmament.

Put into effect governmental budget system.

Opened fight for American ship subsidy.

1922—Vetoed soldier bonus bill.

Took active part in settlement of rail and coal strikes.

Pleaded for formation of world court.

1923—Assailed wet forces and practically put Republican party on record as opposing any attempt to nullify the 18th amendment.

Urged formation of consumers’ cooperative organizations, under government supervision, to combat soaring prices.

Visiting western states and Alaska.

Stricken ill at Seattle on return from Alaskan trip, forced to bed at San Francisco, and remainder of trip canceled.

Died in San Francisco, August 2, about 7:30 p.m.

From the front page of The Monroe Journal, Friday, August 3, 1923

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