
Monday, August 21, 2023

R.L. Clay, Martha Satterfield Have Died, Aug. 21, 1923

Died From an Operation

On last Thursday night the wife of R.L. Clay, col., underwent an operation for removing her tonsils and died under the knife. Her heart went bad and she never awakened from the anesthetic.

She was the daughter of Eugene Jeffers, one of the most prominent colored men in the County.

From the front page of the Roxboro Courier, Tuesday, Aug. 21, 1923


Death of Mrs. Satterfield

Mrs. Martha Satterfield died at her home near Prospect Hill Monday. Mrs. Satterfield had reached the ripe old age of 91 years and 10 months. She was the mother of 13 children, and was surrounded by an unusually large number of relatives. There was said to be more than 400 of her relatives at the burial yesterday. Dr. Satterfield of Roxboro is a son, the other sons living near Prospect Hill.

From the front page of the Roxboro Courier, Tuesday, Aug. 21, 1923

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