
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Senator George Moses Says He's Having $32,500 Worth of Fun in Senate, Aug. 20, 1923

Hard on the Public

From The New York Post

Senator George B. Moses says he declined a salary of $40,000 to stay in the Senate at $7,000 because the fun he is having is worth $32,500 a year. It may wroth that to the Senator but unkind critics will remark that from the public point of view the Senator’s fun is entirely too expensive.

From the front page of the Lincoln County News, Lincolnton, N.C., Aug. 20, 1923

Because of inflation, $7,000 in 1923 would be worth about $124,500 in 2023, and the $40,000 salary Senator Moses turned down would be worth about $619,600 today.

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